Chuan Seng Huat Pte Ptd
Chuan Seng Huat Pte Ltd (“Chuan Seng Huat”) was established in the year of 1967. It is one of the main
importer/exporter and distributor in Singapore, specializing in wines, spirits, and beers.
It is recognized as one of the main wholesalers for well-known brands, and is the sole
distributor for several overseas brands such as Nardone Baker Wine, Haagen Beer,
Premier XO, Jules Domet, Sathenay Liquer, Damburger Beer.
They gained support and trust in the industry for more than 30 years, and now supply
more than 90% into the local market for off-trade businesses such as hyperstores,
supermarkets, minimarts and retailers.
Lack of Credibility compared to multi-national product companies
As a local company, Chuan Seng Huat may not be perceived as credible as multi-national
product companies. This affects their brand equity and market share.
Increasing Competition
Since 2012, there has been an increasing trend of smaller specialized companies that
import their own selection of alcohol to cater to different tastes in the market. These
retailers are part of the increasing selection and product range that is prevalent in the
alcohol market. This called for a strong need for Chuan Seng Huat to establish themselves
with strong brand positioning to prevent their market share from being eroded.
Lack of Brand Strategy
Despite having been around for decades, Chuan Seng Huat had yet to develop a branding
strategy to set itself apart from its competitors and build a niche for themselves.
Over a period of 7 months, research was conducted and a new brand strategy was drafted
with management along with a new set of guidelines on messaging and identity.
1. Brand Research
Understanding their brand’s strengths and weaknesses as
foundation for their strategy.
2. Brand Strategy
Create a brand DNA strategy and communication strategy
to help them in achieving their goals.
3. Brand Identity
Create a brand identity system based on their brand
communication strategy to project the right brand image.
4. Internal Branding
Align all employees to the brand educating, motivating,
engaging, and empowering them through a key training program